Directive Leadership and Teacher Performance in Education: A Case Study of a Peruvian University


  • Natalia Enrriqueta Arias Solis Universidad César Vallejo



Leadership, teacher, performance, higher education, quality of education


Regardless of the scale of an organization and economic fluctuations, none of its activities and efforts are exempt from the impact of leadership, which plays a crucial role in its trajectory and resilience in the face of constant change. In this context, the study aimed to determine the relationship between leadership and teacher performance in the educational field, based on a case study conducted at a Peruvian university. The primary objective of this study was to optimize the quality of university education by evaluating the style of leadership and administrative management, with the goal of generating a positive long-term impact on all stakeholders within the organization. The research adopted a correlational, quantitative approach with a non-experimental design. A sample of 55 university teachers was established, and data were collected through a questionnaire. This instrument facilitated the collection of statistical data, which were subsequently analyzed. The reliability of the questionnaire, measured by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, was 0.979 and was validated by academics with doctoral degrees and experts in the field. The research thus gathered significant data, which, after processing, indicated a direct relationship between the role of leadership and the performance of teachers. It also showed how teachers, when exposed to a certain type of leadership, tend to improve their performance and enhance the quality of education.


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How to Cite

Directive Leadership and Teacher Performance in Education: A Case Study of a Peruvian University. (2024). Epistemia Revista Científica, 8(2), 1-14.